





h4 2004

  1. Reductive and catalytic monoalkylation of primary amines using nitriles as an alkylating reagent.
    H. Sajiki, T. Ikawa, K. Hirota.
    Org. Lett.., 6, 4977-4980 (2004)
  2. Complete Replacement of H2 by D2 via Pd/C-Catalyzed H/D Exchange Reaction.
    H. Sajiki, T. Kurita, H. Esaki, F. Aoki, T. Maegawa, K. Hirota.
    Org. Lett, 6, 3521-3523 (2004)
  3. Solvent-modulated Pd/C-catalyzed deprotection of silyl ethers and chemoselective hydrogenation.
    T. Ikawa, K. Hattori, H. Sajiki, K. Hirota.
    Tetrahedron, 60, 6901-6911(2004)
  4. Unexpected deprotection of silyl and THP ethers induced by serious disparity in the quality of Pd/C catalysts and elucidation of the mechanism.
    T. Ikawa, H. Sajiki, K. Hirota.
    Tetrahedron, 60, 6189-6195 (2004)
  5. Efficient C-H/C-D Exchange Reaction on the Alkyl Side Chain of Aromatic CompoundsUsing Heterogeneous Pd/C in D2O.
    H. Sajiki, F. Aoki, H. Esaki, T. Maegawa, K. Hirota.
    Org. Lett., 6, 1485-1487 (2004)
  6. Synthesis and evaluation of 2-substituted 8-hydroxyadenines as potent interferon inducers with improved oral bioavailabilities.
    A. Kurimoto, T. Ogino, S. Ichii, Y. Isobe, M. Tobe, H. Ogita, H. Takaku, H. Sajiki, K. Hirota.; H. Kawakami.
    Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 12, 1091-1099 (2004)


h4 2003

  1. Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationships of 2-Substituted-8-hydroxyadenine derivatives as Orally Available Interferon Inducers without Emetic Side Effect,
    Yoshiaki Isobe, Masanori Tobe, Horuhisa Ogita, Ayumu Kurimoto, Tetsuo Ogino, Hajime Kawakami, Haruo Takaku, Hironao Sajiki, Kosaku Hirota and Hideya Hayashi
    Bioorg. Med. Chem., 11, 3641-3647 (2003).
  2. Preparation of Silk Fibroin-supported Pd(0) Catalyst for Chemoselective Hydrogenation: Reduction of Palladium(II) Acetate by Methanol on the Protein.
    Hironao Sajiki, Takashi Ikawa, Hiromi Yamada, Kozo Tsubouchi, Kosaku Hirota
    Tetrahedron Lett., 44, 171-174 (2003).
  3. A Novel Chemical Modification at the 5-Position of Uridine Derivatives.
    Hironao Sajiki, Akira Yamada, Kanoko Yasunaga, Takashi Tsunoda, Mumen F. A. Amer, Kosaku Hirota
    Tetrahedron Lett., 44, 2179-2181 (2003)
  4. Synthesis and structure-activity relationships of 2-amino-8-hydroxyadenines as orally active interferon inducing agents.
    A. Kurimoto, T. Ogino, S. Ichii, Y. Isobe, M. Tobe, H. Ogita, H. Takaku, H. Sajiki, K. Hirota, H. Kawakami.
    Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 11, 5501-5508 (2003)
  5. Markedly chemoselective hydrogenation with retention of benzyl ester and N-Cbz functions using a heterogeneous Pd-fibroin catalyst.
    H. Sajiki, T. Ikawa, K. Hirota.
    Tetrahedron Lett., 44, 8437-8439 (2003)
  6. Significant supplier-dependent disparity in catalyst activity of commercial Pd/C toward the cleavage of triethylsilyl ether.
    H. Sajiki, T. Ikawa, K. Hirota.
    Tetrahedron Lett., 44, 7407-7410 (2003)
  7. Synthesis of 6-substituted 9-benzyl-8-hydroxypurines with potential interferon-inducing activity.
    K. Kazaoka, H. Sajiki, K. Hirota.
    Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 51, 608-611 (2003)
  8. Synthesis and biological evaluation of 2,8-disubstituted 9-benzyladenines: discovery of 8-mercaptoadenines as potent interferon-inducers.
    K. Hirota, K. Kazaoka, H. Sajiki.
    Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 11, 2715-2722 (2003)
  9. Efficient synthesis of 2,9-disubstituted 8-hydroxyadenine derivatives.
    K. Hirota, K. Kazaoka, I. Niimoto, H. Sajiki.
    Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 1, 1354-1365 (2003)
  10. Pd/C-catalyzed chemoselective hydrogenation in the presence of a phenolic MPM protective group using pyridine as a catalyst poison.
    H. Sajiki, K. Hirota.
    Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 51, 320-324 (2003)
  11. A remarkable solvent effect toward the Pd/C-catalyzed cleavage of silyl ethers.
    H. Sajiki, T. Ikawa, K. Hattori, K. Hirota, Kosaku.
    Chem. Comm., 5, 654-655 (2003)


h4 2002

  1. Regioselective BH3-hydride Reduction of Inosine Derivatives.
    Kosaku Hirota, Hironao Sajiki, Ryuji Hattori, Yasunari Monguchi, Genzoh Tanabe, Osamu Muraoka
    Tetrahedron Lett., 43, 653-655 (2002)
  2. A novel C-C bond formation at the 5-position of uridine derivatives.
    H. Sajiki, A. Yamada, K. Yasunaga, T. Tsunoda, Amer, Mumen F. A.; K. Hirota.
    Nucleic Acids Research Supplement., 2 (Twenty-ninth Symposium on Nucleic Acids Chemistry), 13-14 (2002)
  3. Discovery of 8-Hydroxyadenines as a Novel Type of Interferon Inducer.
    K. Hirota, K. Kazaoka, I. Niimoto, H. Kumihara, H. Sajiki, Y. Isobe, H. Takaku, M. Tobe, H. Ogita, T. Ogino, S. Ichii, A. Kurimoto, H. Kawakami.
    Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 45, 5419-5422 (2002)
  4. Complete and truly catalytic degradation method of PCBs using Pd/C-Et3N system under ambient pressure and temperature.
    H. Sajiki, A. Kume, K. Hattori, H. Nagase, K. Hirota.
    Tetrahedron Lett., 43, 7251-7254 (2002)
  5. Mild and general procedure for Pd/C-catalyzed hydrodechlorination of aromatic chlorides.
    H. Sajiki, A. Kume, K. Hattori, K. Hirota.
    Tetrahedron Lett., 43, 7247-7250 (2002)
  6. Pd/C-H2-catalyzed deuterium exchange reaction of the benzylic site in D2O.
    H. Sajiki, K. Hattori, F. Aoki, K. Yasunaga, K. Hirota.
    Synlett, 1149-1151 (2002)
  7. The Effect of a Phosphodiester Linking Group on Albumin Binding, Blood Half-Life, and Relaxivity of Intravascular Diethylenetriaminepentaacetato Aquo Gadolinium(III) MRI Contrast Agents.
    McMurry, Thomas J.; Parmelee, David J.; Sajiki, Hironao; Scott, Daniel M.; Ouellet, Hillori S.; Walovitch, Richard C.; Tyeklar, Zoltan; Dumas, Stephane; Bernard, Paul; Nadler, Samuel; Midelfort, Katarina; Greenfield Matthew; Troughton, Jeffrey; Lauffer, Randall B.
    Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 45, 3465-3474 (2002)


h4 2001

  1. Undesirable Deprotection of O-TBDMS Groups by Pd/C-catalyzed Hydrogenation and Chemoselective Hydrogenation Using a Pd/C(en) Catalyst .
    Kazuyuki Hattori, Hironao Sajiki, Kosaku Hirota
    Tetrahedron, 57, 2109-2114 (2001)
  2. Myristoleic Acud, a Cytotoxic Component in the Extract From Serenoa repens, Induces Apoptosis and Necrosis in Human Prostatic LNCaP Cells.
    Kazuhiro Iguchi, Naoya Okumura, Shigeyuki Usui, Hironao Sajiki, Kosaku Hirota, Kazuyuki Hirano
    The Prostate, 47, 59-65 (2001)
  3. Chemoselective Control of Hydrogenation among Aromatic Carbonyl and Benzyl Alcohol Derivatives Using Pd/C(en) Catalyst.
    Kazuyuki Hattori, Hironao Sajiki, Kosaku Hirota
    Tetrahedron, 57, 4817-4824 (2001)
  4. Novel and Efficient Synthesis of 8-Oxoadenine Derivatives.
    Kosaku Hirota, Kazunori Kazaoka, Itaru Niimoto, Hironao Sajiki
    Heterocycles, 55, 2279-2282 (2001)


h4 2000

  1. The Undesirable Lability of tert-Butyldimethylsilyl Ethers under Pd/C-catalyzed Hydrogenation Conditions and Solution of the Problem by Using Pd/C(en) Catalyst,
    Kazuyuki Hattori, Hironao Sajiki and Kosaku Hirota
    Tetrahedron Lett, 41, 5711-5714 (2000)
  2. Pd/C(en)-catalyzed chemoselective hydrogenation with retention of the N-Cbz protective group and its scope and limitations.
    K. Hattori, H. Sajiki, K. Hirota
    Tetrahedron., 56, 8433-8441 (2000).
  3. Highly chemoselective hydrogenation with retention of the epoxide functionusing a heterogeneous Pd/C-ethylenediamine catalyst and THF.
    H. Sajiki, K. Hattori, K. Hirota.
    Chemistry-A European Journal., 6, 2200-2204 (2000)
  4. Reactivity of 2',3'-anhydro pyrimidine nucleosides toward trimethylaluminum.
    K. Hirota, H. Takasu, H. Sajiki.
    Heterocycles., 52, 1329-1336 (2000)


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